Wednesday, June 24, 2009


(See attached file: arm 052.jpg)

Waiting sucks and especially when your not very patient like me. But first thing is if you've been following along and thought that the dates don't seem correct. Guess what your right the reason behind this is up until about a month ago I didn't have a good way of updating regularly. So at the rate I'm going I hope to be up the present and not the past in a few more weeks. Now back to the waiting crap if you've ever been stuck in traffic this is how my life feels right now. I get hurt and go to the hospital and wait, come home and wait to go see a different Doctor, then go see him to wait, then wait and see how it's healing, then go back for a recheck and wait, then wait until I get a short cast, then wait until I get it off, when will it stop? I'm not sure but I'm very happy that I don't really have to rely on the health care system. Because from what I've seen of it is that it sucks.
One question I been hearing allot is "When did the Dr tell you that you can start riding again?" My answer is don't know because I never asked. I figured why ask because he's going to tell me something that I don't want to hear and plus I'm going to do what I want to anyhow. Something that seems easier said than done is riding with your arm in a cast. At first I thought no problem but after doing it sucks. It's amazing how much it affects your balance and several other things. Oh well I'm just going to continue waiting and see what happens.


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