Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Strongland and Weaklegged

It's the week after Labor Day so that means it's time for the Tour De Strongland. Finally a race that's only 20 miles from my house yippee. But for some reason I have to get up just as early as a race that's 150 miles from my house bummer. The short trip turned out to be my highlight of the day. This was one of the first races I ever did, way back in the day. I liked it then and still, do the course has changed allot since then for the better. I was feeling a little under the weather and even considered not going. But figured I already registered so I might as well go. I managed to get a great start and was the first into the single track but that didn't last to long. After about 5 minutes I felt really bad and was going to quit but figured I should at least finish because quitting sucks. This was one of the few races I did that I didn't even bother to look at the results or where I placed. Guess I'll file this race under a "Bad Day" and move on. Sunday was the Tour De Strongland road race. I pre registered for it to but felt really bad on Sunday morning so I opted to stay home glued to the couch. I hope it pays off.


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