Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Long Time

I like to commute to work by bike and used to do it allot more. But there's several of reasons why I don't as often as I would like too. First I hate getting up early, second I hate getting up early, third and the biggest reason is I hate getting up early. I know I've been slacking on my commuting. So this morning I sucked it up and got up at 6:45 and rode to work. Some people don't this that's early but they're wrong. So I decided to see when the last time was that I commuted to work by bike. 9/17/2008 HOLY SHIT I can't believe it was that long ago. There was lots of other days between then and now that I commuted but I did it the lazy way and drove halfway. So I'm going to set the bar pretty low and try to commute at least once a week from now on.


1 comment:

jpok & ruthless said...

have you accomplished this yet?