Monday, September 29, 2008

MOM Bavington

Bavington MOM It's finally here the Annual Month of Mud the series. This is great local series the only bad thing about it is that it usually marks the end of the racing season and with that winter is just around the corner. This year there's only going to be 4 races in the series. The first one was the MTB time trial at Bavington. This is the only MTB time trial that I know of.

On Saturday I made the trip to Smethport PA for the Wheel around the hub race. I really wanted to go because I planned on this being my last road race of the year. Plus I thought it was pretty cool that this race started in 1890 which was ten years before the first Tour De France. After about a 3-1/2 hour drive and a nice warm up it was time to go. It was a 53 mile 7 lap circuit race with about 60 starters. It was a pretty flat and fast course and our avg speed was about 25 mph after the first lap. Not much happened and before I knew it, we were on the last lap. I wasn't able it get in the small breakaway of 5 riders and finished 9th in the field sprint and 14th overall.

Now biggest concern was to get home and try and relax and get ready for the Month of Mud race the next day.I decided the night before that I was going to race it on my single speed for a couple of reasons. The first is that there's no big climbs at Bavington. Second is that Bavington's more about carrying momentum than hammering. Not sure how the order was picked but I was going to be 4th. But I was glad not to be going first. I started out and it seemed like I had a nice pace going and was riding pretty smooth. I managed to catch everyone that went out in front of me, and was first to finish. But in the end it wasn't enough I finish 2nd and was happy that rode as well considering I raced the day before . Here's the full list of results . Next week it off to Brady's Run for round number 2.Justin

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